1 bedroom +livingroom Rented Warsaw, Tyszkiewicza Street – Wola district, 1 bedroom + living room, 2400 PLN + bills1 Bed1 Bath32 Sq Ft
1 bedroom Booked Warsaw, Praga Południe, Łukowska Street, big studio – 2850 PLN total price1 Bed1 Bath36 Sq Ft
1 bedroom Booked WARSAW, MURANÓW: 1 bedroom flat on KARMELICKA STREET; 3000 PLN + bills1 Bed1 Bath36 Sq Ft
1 bedroom Rented Warsaw, city center – Nowowiejska st, 1 bedroom + living room, 3200 pln total1 Bed1 Bath40 Sq Ft
2 bedrooms Rented Warsaw – heart of the city center: ul. Pańska 7; 2 bedrooms + kitchen; 3300 PLN + bills2 Beds1 Bath
1 bedroom Rented Warsaw city center, Marszałkowska street, studio flat, 3500 PLN all included1 Bed1 Bath25 Sq Ft
2 bedrooms +livingroom Rented Warsaw, Centrum, al. Niepodleglosci , 2 bedrooms +livingroom, 3500 PLN +bills2 Beds1 Bath68 Sq Ft